Statistics reveal that a significant amount of people from India consume around 2 grams of turmeric daily and this translates to roughly 100mg of curcumin. It is well-known that this country regularly makes curry-based dishes and this could explain why Alzheimer's disease is not prevalent here. Curcumin stops the accumulation of a protein known as amyloid in the brain, the main cause of Alzheimer's.
Cancer patients, particularly those affected in their skin, colon, prostate, and breast can have a fighting chance against their disease with the help of curcumin. It can make a big difference too in preventing these cancers from developing in healthy patients. Turmeric extract capsules contain a potent mix of antioxidants that fights against cancer-causing free radicals in the body.
The antioxidants in turmeric extract capsules should be able to prevent cancer cells from proliferating to other nearby areas of the body. Another occurrence that it can prevent is angiogenesis - the process where new blood vessels grow in cancerous tumors. By stopping angiogenesis at its tracks, cancerous tumors won't be able to grow larger and should be easier to treat.
Individuals with arthritis should take turmeric curcumin in order to relieve the pain they feel on a regular basis. Arthritis pain is caused by the enzyme COX-2 or cyclooxygenase-2 and curcumin acts as an inhibitor to block the pain. Curcumin also helps to stimulate the adrenal glands for production of anti-inflammatory cortisone. It is a much better treatment than many pharmaceutical NSAID's available today.
Gallstones can also be a very painful condition to have, but turmeric curcumin has the capability to dissolve a significant percentage of these stones by making bile more soluble. Gallstones usually form when bile hardens as a result of the liver or gallbladder being overwhelmed. Studies show that as much as 80% of stones can be dissolved and also prevent its re-occurrence.
For wound treatment, turmeric extract capsules can make an excellent ally since it can aid in tissue repair and the entire healing process. The curcumin in turmeric extract capsules contain volatile oils that can eradicate bacteria so that infection can effectively be prevented. There is significant evidence to believe that this extract can help hasten the time it takes for wounds to completely heal.
Before trying out turmeric extract capsules, it is important that you take time to research about the product you plan on buying. Many products today contain around 500mg of turmeric curcumin, but it is not unusual to come across some that offers 800mg. Be careful about taking this supplement if you are taking blood thinners and it would be best that you avoid it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
About the Author:
Preventing infection is among the top priorities when you have wounds. The curcumin in turmeric extract contains volatile oils that act as an anti-bacterial agent to make sure no infection happens. Want to know other awesome applications of this extract? Visit http://www.amazon.com/Premium-Turmeric-Curcumin-Capsules-Nutrizap/dp/B00FCGF6C4 to find out.