Life's Darkest Moments Call Us To Be Strong

By Evan Sanders

You've got to love the game.

Without that love, you are going to be wearing out the pavement sad step after miserable step wishing you were doing something else. What is the point in that? That should literally be the absolute first indicator that you should be doing something different - if you dread going in to do the work.

Step into this moment.

You know, the instant where you smile while in the struggle, enjoy the discomfort, laugh at how difficult it is and challenge yourself more. Some can be systematic about their goals and dreams but for me, I'm acting like life is one big stage and there's a grand orchestra behind me playing all different kinds of tunes.

I am dancing through life right now. Some amounts of time are slower, some much faster...but I am dancing despite it all.

You always remember the people that were there to congratulate you when you achieved your dream. Regrettably, that is not always who you thought it was meant to be. But that is ok. They will turn out differently in a number of ways - often for the better and sometimes for the worse. But that's life. That is how the cookie crumbles.

Each and every day I'm going a tiny bit more deeply into trying hard to be the person I would like to be and bring out the good traits in myself that were concealed for such a very long time. I'm learning. There are infrequently days when I do not travel deep into the rabbit hole and search for things hidden inside. I am not sure if I could have it actually any alternative way. In fact , that journey has been going on for almost 5 years now and it's impossible to suggest that I'll ever return to that man before the man I am today. One thing I do know for sure is that I haven't spent any time finding myself, but rather have spent pretty much all of my time building myself. I believe there's a real difference there.

It's creating vs finding... because in all truth, I really didn't have anything to actually "find. " I had to drop everything I had learned to become and everything I believed I should be to become the person I had always dreamed of - not the man society or others told me I should be...but who I knew I might become deep down inside.

I mess up. Frequently I come off too robust or start pouring things out too early. But I really do not run frightened anymore. I used to - I used to be scared of everything. Scared of making mistakes...scared of myself...scared of losing...scared of abandonment...and I finally discovered ways to drop those one at a time because they turn your life very quickly into nothing. They take everything out of you and there you are...just one huge ball of being shocked.

Our lives are a collection of interpretations of what truly is actually occuring in reality. We bring with us stories and past events that shape what something means to us when it happens in the moment and that usually dictates how we act. If we adapt and change that interpretation, we are able to change our entire world.

You have to love the game.

This game of life. Without love...then what? What really is the point if you do not love what you're actually doing?

One last thing - if you go hard in life and do everything rooted in love and zeal, it's going to be pretty hard to knock yourself when you cross the finish line, no matter the circumstances. Just keep that in the back of your head.

Mess up going 100%. Sure there willthere will be spectacular wipeouts, but you will recover and be on your way again.

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