Wobblers: Common Questions To Bring Up

By Michael Robert Peterson

Anyone who is familiar with dogs will tell you that certain conditions can arise. One of the most troublesome, in my view, would have to be Wobblers. Even though this can affect a number of animals - horses and lions immediately come to mind - it seems like this is an especially common issue with dogs. As a result, it's worth recognizing how to take care of the issue. However, before you take the steps to help your dog, it's important to know what this condition is all about.

Wobblers, for those who do not know, is a disease that affects the neck and spine of a particular dog. When this happens, the dog in question moves with a wobbly gait, hence the name, and it seems like it's very difficult for him or her to move about. According to companies like Assisi Animal Health, this is an issue for many larger breeds of dogs, St. Bernards and Rottweilers included. In any event, if you'd like to alleviate this condition in your pet - or reduce the risk of said condition - bring up these inquiries.

"Is there a particular source for Wobblers?" For those who are curious about the source of said condition, you should know that there isn't a clear degree of information on hand. The main reason for this is that it's unknown where this condition surfaces from. While it can be argued that genetics could be influential, no one knows if this is a certain thing. What this means is that studies will be continually done on the matter, which is fortunate for the sake of progress.

"What can you tell me about risk, in relation to breeds?" Did you know that certain breeds of dogs may be at greater level of risk of contracting this condition than others? Larger breeds, as stated earlier, are more prevalent in these cases, so it's not like toy dog owners will have to worry about this. From what I have seen, Great Danes are at especially high levels of risk when it comes to Wobblers. As a result, it's important for pet owners to recognize any changes in behavior, no matter how minimal they may be.

"Are there any solutions for my pet?" If you're looking for ways to clear the issue of Wobblers, there are quite a few methods to take up. Depending on how severe the condition itself is, you may only need to give your dog medication, which will be issued by your veterinarian. However, in more serious situations, it's possible that surgery will have to be carried out. Whatever the case may be, ensure that you contact your vet and that he or she is given as much detail as possible.

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